
Showing posts from September, 2024

Beginner Watercolor Landscape Workshop

I'm so pleased to be offering a watercolor workshop during my show at Remarkable Dinner! First a bit about the show: You can see {and purchase} my art in the back section of the diner from September 29 to mid November.  This work has a theme.   I have always loved to travel, and I was so fortunate to take two amazing trips this year.  In the Spring I spent a week in Istanbul, Turkey, and this summer I spent 3 weeks hiking the Camino de Santiago in Spain and Portugal with my 15 year old son, Sam.   Both trips had transformative powers in the way I viewed the world around me and myself.  The artwork in this show, Camino:  Visual stories of outward and inward travel , was created after returning this summer (2024).  There are two distinct sides.  The outward travel is represented by watercolor sketches that involved this summer out of a daily practice of painting.  The inner journey is represented by the more abstract multimedia pieces which involve exploring the use of many materials

This week in the studio

 I thought I might start putting out into the world a weekly collection of art I have created.  I'm not including writing, marketing, preparation for events, brainstorming or events.  This is just the artwork I have created this week.  There is no accompanying commentary or description.  But if you see something that you are curious about or interested in, I welcome direct email communication.  With no further adieu, a peak into my studio. . .

Children's Painting and Drawing Class Begins October 7

  Painting and Drawing For Children at White Rabbit Galleries Mondays, October 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov. 4, 11 4:00 - 5:15 $120     All materials are provided. Each week we will explore painting and drawing techniques with a variety of different media.  We will draw with graphite, color pencils, oil pastels, markers, and ink.  We will paint with acrylics and watercolor.  We will use different papers and canvases.  We will focus on individual exploration and observation while incorporating color theory, shading and blending, use of space and more.  We will also learn a bit of art history, too.  This course is geared toward children ages 6 - 12 years. 4 student minimum--so sign up with a friend for extra fun. Sign up on the White Rabbit website

Where Can You See My Art?

Finding My Own Way 20 x 16 inch mixed media on canvas Currently in the Chroma show at White Rabbit Galleries Hello, September!  I'm thoroughly enjoying the warm sunny days and the cool evenings as we kick off September and the Fall Season. I am so grateful for all of the energizing experiences of this past summer. You might be asking where you can see my art this month.  I am so grateful for people who so kindly welcome my art to their shops, galleries, coffee shops and restaurants.  You are the unsung heroes of my art journey! My art loves to go for a car ride  and visit new places. {It also loves being adopted to a forever home!} This month (September 2024) my art is available for purchase at these amazing small businesses and non-profits: 1.  Miss Mercedes :: 203 W. Second St., Lakeside, Ohio :: open daily 11 - 6 2.  Mark's Live Edge Furniture :: 2786 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, Ohio ::  open Tues. - Sat. 10 - 1 and 2 - 4           or by appointment Some of my art is keeping com