Beginner Watercolor Landscape Workshop

I'm so pleased to be offering a watercolor workshop during my show at Remarkable Dinner!

First a bit about the show:
You can see {and purchase} my art in the back section of the diner from September 29 to mid November.  This work has a theme.  

I have always loved to travel, and I was so fortunate to take two amazing trips this year.  In the Spring I spent a week in Istanbul, Turkey, and this summer I spent 3 weeks hiking the Camino de Santiago in Spain and Portugal with my 15 year old son, Sam.  Both trips had transformative powers in the way I viewed the world around me and myself.  The artwork in this show, Camino:  Visual stories of outward and inward travel, was created after returning this summer (2024).  There are two distinct sides.  The outward travel is represented by watercolor sketches that involved this summer out of a daily practice of painting.  The inner journey is represented by the more abstract multimedia pieces which involve exploring the use of many materials together including: acrylic paint, pencils, ink pens, markers, oil pastels, paper maps and found beach objects.

Sneak peak of a piece in the show!

Second, you can join me for a watercolor painting workshop focused on landscapes on October 15. It's going to be fun. There will be a special menu of food and drinks. Bring a friend to make it a memorable experience. Sign up early as space is quite limited.

Beginning Watercolor Landscapes Workshop

at Remarkable Diner

October 15, 2024

6:00 - 8:30 p.m.

$35 registration {includes a take home kit}

Register at this link:

Space is limited 

Speciality menu and drinks available for purchase before and during the workshop


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