Inspire: Simple Wonders

It's all about INSPIRE and Inspiration. Doesn't that feel so timely down deep in your soul? It sure does to me! Winter has been long and bleak, and it's not over yet. There seems to be so much uncertainty and chaos swirling around us. Believe it or not this is the best time to be inspired {and then turn around and be an inspiration.} I'm planning that at least half the time will be journaling or creative time together, so you will want paper and a pen for sure! This time you might want to bring some art supplies. It can be anything--markers, crayons, color pencils, paint--whatever works for you! Here are the journal pages I made for you. This is the recording : share/qOR_ TgcFUWkljXYoIdK72sbdFU38Y6FBxS Yzg1v59Aoj7Z9WqTXIFiTE48Ji_ ylQ.4pMu-d6XX7T5zDHj Passcode: 4^HxPYF6 Please share with everyone you think could use an online boost! NPR Article: 8 Skills to Stress Less