A New Inspiration Card Deck Has Arrived

I am so excited to let you know that I have a new card deck, and it's double sided!  Each card has a word, phrase or quote handwritten along with some artwork on each side. That is more than 100 bits of inspiration!  This project has been a labor of love that I have worked on for several months.  I am proud to present the Simple Wonders Inspiration Deck!

Order yours right now HERE!

This is a great gift for the holiday season--or, honestly, anytime!

If you follow me on social media, and you have seen the recent "Words for today" posts.  That is a little taste of the deck.  Those are some of what you will find along with so many other words, phrases, and quotes that have been speaking to me over the past few months.

You can stop in my studio to preview the entire deck and feed your spirit! {They are available at my Sip and Shop events on Dec. 5 and 12, 4:15 - 7 p.m. and at the Spring Garden Children's Festival, Sat., Dec. 7, 10 am - 3 pm}. I'm happy to deliver locally to anyone who purchases 2 or more decks, and shipping in the US is available for an additional fee.  {Email me for international shipping.}

This deck with over 100 bits of inspiration is $30.

The world can certainly use some soul stirring inspiration.  In the new year I plan to create some online classes using this deck to create a space of soul-full inspiration and as a spring board for spontaneous journaling.  Stay tuned as the Simple Wonders Inspiration Deck spreads its wings into the world.


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