Solstice Gifts and Art in Process

Work in progress

Work in progress


Happy Winter Solstice 2023!

Today you might have noticed is the longest night of the year.  This event holds so much meaning for humanity, both past and present, and for our home, the Earth.  It's a wonderful time to take a look within and see how one might be shining your light into the world as a way to illuminate the path for others.  It might be a time to look into the darkness and face fears.  It might also be a time to look ahead to goals you have as the days become lighter.  Life is a process and a journey, and days like today allow us to be reminded of such things.  May this be a gift for you on your journey.

I took  time to challenge myself with some intense cleaning work this morning, and then I allowed myself to be renewed by practicing art.  I started a refresh of a piece with roses, and I started a wintery landscape.  Both of these pieces are larger than anything I have done recently.  The roses are 36 x 36 inches,  and the winter scene I estimate at 40 x 30 inches.  I look forward to seeing how the pieces evolve.

Sending you all love and light and cozy warmth on the longest night of the year.


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