A Creative Challenge For The New Year

A bit of verdigris, 12 x 12 inches, $60

In my creative process I can easily get lost in the vast realm of possibility.  It turns into a paralyzing inertia, and I cease to create.  In an effort to override this I give myself creative challenges.  I creating every day or once a week.  I use words for inspiration.  I work in a particular size.  You get the idea.

I have decided that for 2024, I am going to see how much I can create with the supplies I already have.  I imagine I will need more acrylic paint,  and I hope to need more findings for earrings.  Other than those 2 items I'm going to see how much I can create with the materials I already have.I hope to document how much art I can create without buying any other materials!

I hope you will follow along on this little challenge.  Will I give up in the first few weeks?  How will this impact my creativity and art making?

How to you overcome inertia?  What sort of challenges do you give yourself?


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