Plein Air Painting or Making Art Outdoors

In the middle of winter when I think the snow and cold will never end I check the Lakeside calendar for the dates of the Plein Air Painting Festival. I mark those dates on my calendar, and I look forward to that one little weekend for months. I remember the first time I took some paint and canvases out to the side of Lake Erie. I completely felt like I did not belong. If you are familiar with the more traditional approach to plein air there is a very specific style, and my art does not fit the bill! Fast forward about 7 summers and so much about my life has changed. This year I still felt a bit fraudulent, but I approached the experience so much more on my terms. (I suppose that's how I could approach all of life, but. . .) I didn't participate on Friday as I had planned, but I did paint in my studio. I stepped out of my comfortable turquoise heavy color palette, and this was the result: Reflection at sunset 12 x 16 acrylic on canvas $95 O...